Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Training Update

right, the whole week of christmas was nothing... lazy and eating.

since i have clocked about 20 miles on the bike, and on Monday (2nd) i got the train out to Marsden and 'Yomped' (fast march/run) the 28 miles of the Pennine way to Edale, which consisted of a fair amount of climbing too! all in took 7hrs, when walking I tried to keep at 4 mph+ and running was between 6 - 8 mph. steeady. I did have around 8kg on my back, and wore my Fell running shoes. phyiscally felt good, bar the back of my right knee getting really tight for the last 3 - 4 miles.

Since xmas i have also done 3 x 40 mins steady swim sessions and 1 x 2000 mt fast Row (8mins 20secs)

Cycled to work today, (although i suffered 2 punctures!! f?*king shitey roads!) although in the dark & wet, I Can't get really get too much speed up

Yoga is going well too, doing at least 15min each night, and upto 90mins when i feel like a really good stretching session.

Not much elseto report, 2011 means I really need to get some training in, even if i'm not running 100% I need to get out on more fast walks carrying weight. work on the swimming, and use the bike or rower for my Cardio blast's. I may probably start going to the track sessions on a Thursday at SHM, or the hill training session on a Monday night at Worsley. I'm sure the training plan my PT will come with will encompass all of this, and more!
Of course on a weekend I can easily do the Wizard repeats on the bike (a 1 mile hill in Alderly Edge, which climbs around 200 metres. enought to near kill you on a 2nd attempt!

Streching now, feeling stiff after Monday..

Night run tomorrow with Sale Harriers out in the Peak District, really looking forward to that! test out my new Petzl, Myo-RXP head torch!

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