Monday, 21 February 2011

5 weeks to go

Ok, This week has been much better!

Mon 11 mile to work and back
Tuesday Cycled to work, Ran with SHM, 1 Mile efforts with 2.4 mile recovery. (7.5 miles total, and upto 5:40m/mile pace) no pack
Weds 11 miles to work and back. Yoga and Curcuit training. Felt very tired. Yoga good session!
Thurs, cycled to work, rest.
Friday 11 miles to work and back.
Saturday, 14.5 mile run in the Lakes, Reccie of leg 2 of the Lakeland 100. (7.2 miles out and back, Seathwaite to Boot)
Sunday, 12 mile run up Fairfeild (873 mts) from Ambleside. Fab, but tough. Deep snow on the summit!

Great week, totalling 67 Miles! my highest this year so far. The weekend was brilliant, Early start to Seathwaite and discovered it had snowed Friday night! Very muddy, wet and cold run. With a few nasty climbs in too! Not looking forward to that leg so early into a 100 mile run!
Sunday was even better, went shopping in Ambleside for an X-Bionic Fennec shirt for the MdS, then got changed and headed up the Mountain! was again pretty boggy and wet low down, but soon hit the snowline, and from then on it got deeper and deeper! although the wind was quite low until we reached the summit in a complete 'White-out' with a fair bit of freezing wind... Decide we needed to get down and Fast as although running uphill keeps you warm, as soon as you stop, or start the descent we got dangerously cold fast!
Brill downhill run, My Inv-8 X-Talon 212 fell shoes were brilliant and grippy on the soft grass and packed snow. But slippy on the wet rocks.
Although running the cold and wet doesn't seem great desert training, the terrain is pretty similar. Hard rocky ground (aside from the bogs and snow!) is certainly better than plodding along smooth tarmac. And even the mental side of running through all that the British weather can throw at you is good. I know that this year's MdS will feature over 13 seperate climbs of 12% gradient or more, so hill running is essential, and confident downhill running will gain me masses of time out there!!

This weekend i plan have another go at the Marsden to Edale route i did a few weeks ago... Aim is to run most of it this time, as well as runs to work so should manage around 70 - 80 miles this week...
Curcuits with Gregg on Weds at Sale Leisure centre and Yoga will be the only crosstraining this week, as well as some Cycling... Might fit a swim and Gym session in on Thursday eve...

Hopefully some Big Sponsorship news to annouce soon!! Watch this space!!

Carl. :)

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